
15 Aralık 2021 Tarihli, Güncellenmiş PRAG Versiyonu


Sayın Yararlanıcılar,

Programımız kapsamında tüm ihale ve sözleşmelerde uyulması zorunlu olan Avrupa Birliği Dış Faaliyetleri Sözleşme Usulleri Uygulama Rehberinin(PRAG) 15 Aralık 2021 tarihi itibariyle güncellenmiş olduğunu ve ilgili tarihten itibaren bu versiyonun geçerli olduğunu belirtmek isteriz.

CANCELLATION of tender procedure for “Supply of bicycles” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”, Kirklareli, R. Turkey


Cancellation of tender procedure for “Supply of Bicycle” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”, Kirklareli, R. Turkey

Publication reference: CB005.2.21.080-LP-SUPPLY-02

Kırklareli Special Provincial Administration announces Cancellation of Tender Procedure for “Supply of Bicycle”, date of publication 08.11.2021, Programme title-Interreg-IPA СВС Bulgaria -Turkey Programme 2014-2020 within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”

Tender Procedure for Supply of Bicycles for the purpose of project № CB005.2.21.092 “Roads to the Heritage”, Kirklareli, Turkey


Tender Procedure for Supply of Bicycles for the purpose of project № CB005.2.21.092 “Roads to the Heritage”, Kirklareli, Turkey

Reference № CB005.2.21.092-PP2- Supply-02

Kırklareli Special Provincial Administration intends to award a supply contract for “Supply of bicycles” for the purpose of project № CB005.2.21.092 “Roads to the Heritage”, with financial assistance of the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – Turkey 2014-2020.

Tender Procedure for Supply of „ITC equipment for the purposes and functioning of the scientific laboratories of the BLUE GROWTH Research centre at “Prof. D-r Asen Zlatarov” University of Burgas“ within Project CB005.3.12.001 „Blue Growth Collabs"


Tender Procedure for Supply of „ITC equipment for the purposes and functioning of the scientific laboratories of the BLUE GROWTH Research centre at “Prof.  D-r Asen Zlatarov” University of Burgas“ within Project CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“

Reference № CB005.3.12.001 – LP – Supply 5

Clarifications in frame of tender procedure “Supply of special vehicles”, within Project CB005.2.12.011 “Upgraded Protection of Environment in Edirne and Aytos”


Clarifications in frame of tender procedure “Supply of special vehicles”, within Project CB005.2.12.011 “Upgraded Protection of Environment in Edirne and Aytos”

Publication reference:  CB005.2.12.011-SPLY2


Edirne Special Provincial Administration publishes Clarifications in frame of the tender procedure “ “Supply of special vehicles”,  within project №CB005.2.12.011 “Upgraded Protection of Environment in Edirne and Aytos”.

CLARIFICATIONS in frame of tender procedure „Production and supply of a small research vessel for the scientific activities of the BLUE GROWTH Research center at Trakya University” within Project CB005.3.12.001


CLARIFICATIONS  in frame of tender procedure „Production and supply of a small research vessel for the scientific activities of the BLUE GROWTH Research center at Trakya University”  within Project CB005.3.12.001 - “Cross-border Regions Collaborate for BLUE GROWTH” (BLUE GROWTH COLLABs), “Trakya University” the University of Edirne

Tender Procedure for „Design, printing and delivery of information and visibility materials” for the purposes of Project No.CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“, Edirne, R. Turkey


Tender Procedure for „Design, printing and delivery of information and visibility materials” for the purposes of Project No.CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“, Edirne, R. Turkey

Reference № CB005.3.12.001 – PP2– Service 5

Trakya University, Edirne intends to award a service contract for Design, printing and delivery of information and visibility materials with financial assistance of the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – Turkey 2014-2020.  

Tender Procedure for „Organisation of events in Edirne“ under Project CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“, Edirne, R. Turkey


Tender Procedure for „Organisation of events in Edirne“ under Project CB005.3.12.001 „Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)“, Edirne, Republic of Turkey

Reference № CB005.3.12.001 – PP2– Service 4

Trakya University, Edirne intends to award a service contract for Organisation of events in Edirne with financial assistance of the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – Turkey 2014-2020.  


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