CLARIFICATIONS in frame of tender procedure „Production and supply of a small research vessel for the scientific activities of the BLUE GROWTH Research center at Trakya University” within Project CB005.3.12.001
CLARIFICATIONS in frame of tender procedure „Production and supply of a small research vessel for the scientific activities of the BLUE GROWTH Research center at Trakya University” within Project CB005.3.12.001 - “Cross-border Regions Collaborate for BLUE GROWTH” (BLUE GROWTH COLLABs), “Trakya University” the University of Edirne
Trakya University of Edirne, Republic of Turkey publishes Additional Information in the frame of the tender procedure “Production and supply of a small research vessel for the scientific activities of the BLUE GROWTH Research center at Trakya University” within project CB005.3.12.001- “Cross-border Regions Collaborate for Blue Growth (Blue Growth Collabs)”, published on 22.10.2021
Publication reference: CB005.3.12.001 – PP2 – Supply 6
The Additional Information is available HERE.