Clarifications in frame of tender procedure “Supply of special vehicles”, within Project CB005.2.12.011 “Upgraded Protection of Environment in Edirne and Aytos”
Clarifications in frame of tender procedure “Supply of special vehicles”, within Project CB005.2.12.011 “Upgraded Protection of Environment in Edirne and Aytos”
Publication reference: CB005.2.12.011-SPLY2
Edirne Special Provincial Administration publishes Clarifications in frame of the tender procedure “ “Supply of special vehicles”, within project №CB005.2.12.011 “Upgraded Protection of Environment in Edirne and Aytos”.
According to the Additional information about the contract notice, part of the tender documentation, herewith the Contracting Authority provides the following additional information and clarifications concerning questions received within the deadline specified in the tender dossier:
Question: Regarding your requirements in ANNEX II+III: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS + TECHNICAL OFFER,
Section 2 Specifications required
2.1 Technical Specifications of the vehicle chassis engine and cabin
2.12 Chassis:
2.12.3 Chassis wall thickness shall be at least 7.5 mm
The requested question/clarification:
In order to offer a brand which has more service locations in all cities of Turkey, we kindly ask to this specification to be changed as follows.
2.12.3 Chassis wall thickness shall be at least 7 mm
Additional information to the question:
The requested change of ANNEX II+III: TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS + TECHNICAL OFFER can be done only with the approval of the Managing Authority of the INTERREG – IPA Bulgaria – Turkey Programme CCI 2014TC16I5CB005, therefore it is not possible to make a change in this document during the tender process.