Cancellation of Tender procedure for “Supply of bicycles” within project № CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”
Cancellation of Tender procedure for “Supply of bicycles” within project № CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”
Publication reference: CB005.2.21.080-LP-Supply-02
Union Kırklareli Special Provincial Administration announces cancellation of Tender procedure for “Supply of bicycles” within project № CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”, ref. No CB005.2.21.080-LP-Supply-02, published on 02.04.2021. The procedure is cancelled because technically acceptable tenders exceeded the financial resources available for the contract.
The cancellation notice is attached below: