2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure

Luleburgaz Businessman Assocation

2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives
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Project summary:

The overall objective of the project is increasing the touristic attractiveness in the regions of Sredets Municipality and Vize Municipality through the effective utilization of the common cultural and historical heritage and the creation of relevant infrastructure for the development of creative tourism across border.
A joint creative tourism complex „The Thracians: Antiquity and Contemporaneity” near the Ancient Town Deultum will be created in Sredets Municipality. It will offer visitors direct participation in creative tourism practices – workshops, trainings, performances – in order to demonstrate the intangible Thracian heritage. In addition, an interactive tourist centre providing information on the common cultural and historical heritage and on shared creative routes will be set up. On the other hand, the access road to Ancient Thracian Town Bizya will be reconstructed and areas for creative tourism, which will present traditions, customs, crafts, etc., will be created in Municipality of Vize. Within the project, these areas will be used for conducting the Street Performance Festival.
As a result of the implementation of the project, the infrastructure conditions for development of integrated creative tourism across border and the visitor accessibility to common cultural and historical sites will be improved.

Project status: Finished

The project is innovative for both the Partners and the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Bulgaria - Turkey. The project model for the development of cultural / creative tourism is flexible, adaptable and easy to apply. Based on a broader partnership, project activities can be multiplied in a wider area. In addition, it can be reasonably expected that the model of creative tourism will be adopted by other municipalities and NGOs in new cross-border destinations. Multiplication can also be done in an informal way. Local communities are a major player in the presentation of the common intangible heritage and therefore share it using a face-to-face approach. The created joint integrated web platform - https://www.strandja-yildiz-digitalatlas.com will become part of the International Network for Creative Tourism (ICTN - http://www.creativetourismnetwork.org/). This will create a multiplier effect outside the CBC area and will improve the tourist image of the region. Thousands of visitors and international partners will be introduced to the project ideas. The results of the project can also be multiplied by creative tourism events organized by ICTN (conferences, workshops, meetings), which will increase reservations by international tourists. The idea of ​​the project has an extremely easy and useful application in any educational environment. In the form of games, children's workshops and projects, the concept of promoting a common cultural heritage can be spread carelessly among children.



Edirne Environmental Volunteers Association

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Edirne Nature Sports Club Association

1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Edirne Nature Sports Club Association

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Union for Providing Services to Villages,Pinarhisar/KIRKLARELI

2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
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Project summary:

The project aims to increase the tourist attractiveness of the cross-border region of Ivaylovgrad and Keshan by better utilization of natural, cultural and historical heritage and adjacent infrastructure, as well as tourism potential in the municipalities, development of cooperation in the field of tourism on both sides. border, increase the tourist flow, income, employment level, etc., which will lead to the growth of local economies and improve the quality of life. Achieving all the goals will create added value and synergies in the sector not only for the participating countries and regions, but also on a larger scale. They will also lead to improved economic links, communication channels and increased additional tourist services. In conclusion, the generation of cultural, social and economic exchange in the cross-border region will contribute to the wider dissemination of results and the multiplier effect, as well as to the sustainability of the project.
The project activities include the development of a tourist complex in the village of Lambuh, Ivaylovgrad municipality - reconstruction of an access road, two pedestrian paths, recreation and observation areas, ramps for people with disabilities and the development of an information center. In the municipality of Keshan - development of Adventure Park and construction and equipment of an information center. To achieve the goals of the project a joint program for tourism development will be developed, for the promotion of which will be organized: joint information campaign - round table in Ivaylovgrad, two promotional tours of the new tourist sites in both municipalities and two press conferences.
As a result of the project the access to the tourist sites in the village of Lambuh (Ivaylovgrad) will be improved - reconstruction of the access road and two pedestrian paths in the ecotourism complex located in the village, the access of people with disabilities will be improved by building ramps. An adventure park will be built in the municipality of Keshan, and one information center will be built in each of the municipalities.


Institute for entrepreneurship, sustainable development and innovation (IESDI)

1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives
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Project summary:

The project aims is to create an information system that will significantly increase the tourist activity and the overall exchange of people which will lead to the improvement of the quality of life in the areas of Edirne and Haskovo. The overall objective is to develop contemporary tourist attractive services in the public cultural sector by using the modern technology.
Project activities will provide opportunities for new joint efforts in preservation and promotion of cultural heritage in the two regions. The major activities are  Joint Project Steering (JPS) meetings for development of mechanisms for CB support and sharing good practices, Joint Expert Network (JEN) meetings to establish a network for sharing know-how of cultural heritage potential and sustainable tourism Augmented Reality for traditional costumes to develop contemporary tourist attractive services in the public cultural sector; Development of joint GIS platforms - the historical heritage in the cross-border region will be promotion in an innovative way, elaboration of one brochure “CULT TOUR” and one  Catalogues "Culture Heritage" for marketing of sustainable and diverse, specific tourism products with high added value and increasing the sector's contribution for sustainable regional development. Additionally are envisaged the events "Тraditions and continuity" and "Moma Vs. Kokona" to promote the historical heritage in CB region. Six Promotional events "Ancient and eternal" will be held to involve local communities in the processes of developed contemporary tourist attractive services in public cultural sector using the ICT and e-Tourism and promote the historical heritage in the region as a whole.
The implementation of the activities will increase the touristic attractiveness of the CB area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure. The project will improve the exchange of information among people and the quality of life in the two regions. As a result of the installed "cloud" GIS platform, an integrated database of cultural resources will be achieved through the implementation of modern interactive information technologies and the creation of web-based applications for promotion of the cultural and historical monuments on the territory of the two regions. The development of a geographical information system for tourist attractions aims to achieve the optimal and efficient use of the tourist potential of the CB region. The project has the innovative idea to provide conditions for development of tourism, as well as to promote culture and traditions.

Project status: Finished

The project has ended on 25.02.2022.

The project addressed the awareness of cultural, historical and natural heritage on the Bulgarian and Turkish border of Thrace, both traditional and digital methods. The project aimed to increase the popularity of lesser-known areas in both regions and to promote tourist resources in these areas through the use of various digital forms.

Experts from both countries, through their Workshops, learnt about the known, little known and unknown places, works, events, lifestyles, stories, clothes, stone, soil, water, forest, traditions, urban arts, rural attractions and unknown legends in their region, they commented. Experts have discovered the spirit of the past, sometimes in a church garden, sometimes in a mosque garden, by a historical fountain or in a museum garden, and with local costumes and ancient dances, they have turned them into a colorful delight as the senses of the people and a kind of tourist attraction in the region. Finally, 88 attraction points identified by the experts were introduced with events at 4 different points in Keşan, Enez, Edirne in Turkey, Mineralni Bani and Haskovo in Bulgaria. In order to explain the attraction points of both regions, it was conveyed to tourism professionals with excursions. These 88 lesser-known points of Bulgaria and Turkey were transferred to a smart map and transformed into a digital regional guide application, and the promotion opportunities of the technology in the field of informatics were applied. They are made accessible, navigable and visible with a single click from anywhere in the world... http://cross-thrace.production.cmosteknoloji.com

Cloud GIS based Information system of the cultural and historical attractions in Haskovo/Edirne region in three languages: https://rimhaskovo.tobel.bg/#map=9/2883756/5129916.5/0


SELIMIYE MOSQUE - ANCIENT AND ETERNAL in Edirne, Turkey - Broadcasting-1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxZL4ujSqFI&t=4s & Broadcasting-2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q4bkX7grJY&t=3s

UC SEREFELI MOSQUE - ANCIENT AND ETERNAL in Edirne, Turkey - Broadcasting-1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9omsbFCIYw&t=7s & Broadcasting-2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9ASJ2rq4CA&t=3s

Hersekzade Ahmet Paşa Mosque ANCIENT AND ETERNAL in Edirne, Turkey  - Broadcasting-1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKa3G0Cx3AU & Broadcasting-2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMbe3vDkuIo

“ENEZ - ANCIENT AND ETERNAL in Edirne, Turkey - Broadcasting-1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEmoKXJdhwI & Broadcasting-2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nTOZAzNjeM

"Tradions and continuity” - Broadcasting-1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brVJ9Q85r


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Project summary:

The overall project objective is to improve and strengthen cross-border cooperation between Yambol (Bulgaria) and Edirne (Turkey) in the field of sustainable tourism development by increasing the attractiveness of both cities for tourists.

Project activities envisage a reconstruction and architectural design of the City park bridge in Yambol and its adjacent space.  Five wooden pavilions for conducting the joint events and activities with cross-border effect will be purchased and placed near the bridge. Within the project an old architectural building in Edirne will be restored and established to function as a tourist information center. In order to promote the tourist attractiveness of Province of Edirne two informational events "Traditions of Edirne-see and feel" and "Tourist sites in Edirne region" will be held in Yambol. The project envisages conduction of the reciprocal/mirrored events in Edirne for presenting the potential of Yambol region as a tourist destination. A two-days photo exhibition "Tourist sites in Yambol region" will be organized in the restored tourist information center in Edirne. Within the event "Traditions of Yambol-see and feel" an interactive representation of the traditional custom of Yambol with musical accompaniment will be organized.

The project will contribute to increasing the tourist attractiveness of Yambol and Edirne Municipalities through better utilization of natural and cultural heritage and related infrastructure. The reconstruction of the two sites will make both places more desirable and pleasant for potential touristic visits and will provide new opportunities for organizing of joint activities.

Project status: Finished

The project partners have implemented the activities according to the schedule.

The reconstruction and architectural design of the city park bridge in Yambol and its adjacent space, renovation of a historic building in the central part of Edirne for the establishment of a Tourist Information Center there, and common activities representing the tourist potential of Yambol and Edirne districts on the territory of both municipalities were implemented under the project. Four joint events took place in Yambol and Edirne, related to presentation, sharing and celebrating together local customs, photo exhibitions and presenting the tourism potential of the two twinned municipalities. The events enabled the residents of the neighboring municipalities to experience two of the most magnificent traditional customs on both sides – Kukers’ day and Hidrellez and to feel the spirit of the holidays. The numerous tourist sites in both cities were also presented.

In Yambol, the main pedestrian bridge was renovated to the City Park and it acquired a completely new vision. The new appearance of the bridge fulfilled the idea of a smooth transition between the urban and the park environment and during its renovation elements and materials such as those from the modernized center of Yambol were used. The bridge and the space around it became an attractive place for the citizens of Yambol and the tourists.

The historic building in Edirne, which was declared a model of civil architecture, 2nd category by the Ministry of Culture, was completely restored in its original form from the exterior façade, while at the same time the interior conforming to modern standards. The renovated building is intended for a Tourist Information Center, which will work for the sustainable development of tourism.

The implementation of the project activities improved the utilization of the natural and cultural heritage in the municipalities of Yambol and Edirne and closer collaboration was carried out between the citizens of Yambol and Edirne to preserve and share the traditions and tourist attractions in the two regions. As a result the main goal of the project was achieved: increasing the tourist attractiveness of Yambol and Edirne and improving and strengthening the cross-border cooperation between the two twin cities.

Project materials:

Project promotional materials are available HERE.

The project leaflet is available HERE.

The project flyer is available HERE.

Project products:

The project brochure is available HERE.

The magnet book eleborated under the project is available HERE.



Subscribe to 2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure