2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure

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Project summary:

Prоject overall objective is to increase the tourist attractiveness of Buyukkiristiran and Topolovgrad cross-border area through better utilization of cultural heritage and related infrastructure and infrastructure related to culture tourism.
The main project activities are overhaul of the building of Community Centre “Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy - 1894” - Topolovgrad” where are organized national and international events of the cultural calendar of Topolovgrad and repair and equipment of multi-purpose hall in Culture and Art Center and scene for events in Buyukkiristiran. Additional activities are project management, information and publicity, supervision of the construction works and official openings of the sites of intervention.
The project implementation will improve the infrastructure related to culture tourism in Buyukkiristiran and Topolovgrad cross-border area, the cultural heritage of the cross-border region of both neighbouring countries will be popularized, the touristic attractiveness of the area will be increased, sustainable tourism which will ensure good business climate, employment, less poverty, less migration and depopulation will be developed.

Project status: Finished

Results from the implemented activities are the two reconstructed / restored cultural and historical touristic sites in the cross-border area of the two countries. The existing building of Community Centre “Sv. Sv. Kiril i Metodiy 1894” – Topolovgrad was generally restored and in Culture and Art Center in Buyukkaristiran has been done repair and equipment for its multifunctional hall has been delivered.

Both investments allow partners to be able to present their intangible cultural heritage in a more attractive way which is of great advantage for the cross-border area and its cultural heritage.

Website of the project: http://bgtr-culture-centers.com/


Association "Business for Harmanli"

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Capital foundation

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Center for Jewish-Bulgarian cooperation "Alef"

2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives


2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure


2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Union Of Providing Services To The Villages Luleburgaz/Kırklareli

1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives
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Project summary:

The overall goal of the project is to strengthen cross-border cooperation between Tsarevo Municipality and Kirklareli Special Administration in the field of sustainable tourism development in Tsarevo and Kirklareli from the point of view of cultural and natural tourism through sports and diversification of tourist activities. new surviving park with bicycle lanes in Muselim (Kirklareli) and construction of a new bicycle lane between Tsarevo and Arapya.
The project activities include construction works in Kirklareli and Tsarevo - for the construction of a new surviving park and two bicycle lanes. The project will organize an open-air event in Kirklareli and a final meeting in Tsarevo.
As a result of the project implementation, it is expected to improve the socio-economic situation of the two municipalities - increase revenues from tourism and investment and create employment opportunities - by extending the tourist season, increasing the number of tourists visiting the region and increasing the time of their stay.


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Project summary:

The project aims to provide support for the establish as undisputed tourist destination cities - Edirne in Turkey and Nessebar in Bulgaria  - through the use of innovative methods and technologies for presentation to visitors and thus ensuring the sustainability of the existing tourism potential.

Technologically new multimedia devices for visualization that will contribute to more effective cross-border cultural and tourist exchanges will be delivered and installed within the project. In the town of Edirne, Turkey a system of eight outdoor and 8 indoor kiosk providing information to visitors will be installed at cultural and tourist landmarks of the city. Compatible with the system of kiosk smart application for deternining location and exchange of information for the needs of the tourists will elaborated. In the town of Nessebar, Bulgaria the installation of a "3D mapping" projection system exposing image, sound and light on the fortress walls of the old town will be intstalled. Another project activity is creating an advertising video of the historical, cultural and natural resources of Edirne and Nessebar, which will be distributed through the system of kiosks and  the smart application in Edirne and by broadcasting throuh the "3D mapping" system at the entrance of the old town of Nesebar. The project includes a joint presentation of the two cities as sites of the List of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of UNESCO. For this purposethe conduction of a large-scale forum in Edirne on the relationship between history and tourism and the responsibility for protecting cultural heritage is planned. Two tourist festivals with  demonstrations of authentic folk performances, traditional cuisine and photoexhibitions of the tourist attractions will be held in Edirne and Nessebar.

The project implementation will contribute to improving the access to the historic and natural sites through the use of modern methods and devices, and increasing the tourist attractiveness of thecross border region with emphasis on the importance of preserving the cultural heritage.

Project status: Finished

The project partners have implemented the activities according to the schedule.

Considering the historical, cultural and touristic values, tourism is one of the most important value adding concepts in our region. Edirne and Nesebar are two cities created this brand value with their tangible and intangible assets and their geographic position. One of our priorities is to keep up with the technological innovations, and use them to increase the tourist visits to our cities due to protect and improve the importance of our cities in tourism concern. We can consider most important touristic visit reasons are getting to know our historical and cultural assets, shopping and enjoying good time here. Because of these reasons, we would like to increase awareness on this issue by hosting a UNESCO Conference in Edirne. Prof Dr. Nevzat İlhan from Turkey and Prof Dr. Mariela Modeva from Bulgaria participated in this conference as speakers. We completed this highly participated conference from 50 attendants from Nesebar Municipality and students from Trakya University. Attendants were informed with the experience of Edirne and Nesebar’s, two cities in UNESCO World Heritage List, in this process. To increase the awareness and participation of local citizens, we hosted 2 Tourism Festivals, one in Edirne and one in Nesebar. These festivals contributed the promotion both of the cities. Prepared promotion materials were distributed to the people of both cities. Hotels in Edirne are one of the locomotives of the tourism. One of the most important needs of these hotels, hosting high amount of tourist whole year, are city map and guidance albums. With this purpose, we printed “Edirne City Map and Photobooks” to distribute these hotels. In the photobook, there are beautiful photographs of cities of Edirne and Nesebar. 8 indoor and 8 outdoor informative KİOSKs are placed in the city center to help tourists to reach necessary information easier and learn more about the cultural and artistic events of the city. Accordingly, we created a website “www.edirnevisit.com” . Also, we put IOS and Android phone applications into service. KIOSK, web-site and phone applications are available in Turkish, Bulgarian and English languages. In Nesebar, a 3D projection device was purchased to be used in city walls. With this device, prepared animation films will be reflected on city walls to present a visual show to the tourists. Being a popular touristic destination for a long time with an increasing momentum, the city of Nesebar is prioritising contribution to the cultural heritage by acquiring innovations and using latest technological advancements.

Our project reached its goals with its investments and activities. By putting new Technologies to the service of the local people, it contributed the sustainable improvement of the historical, cultural and touristic resources of the cross border area.

Project website:


Project materials:

Project materials are available HERE.

Project products:

Edirne City Map is available HERE.

Booklet "Edirne and Nessebar Photo Book" is available HERE.

The mobile application "Edirne Visit" in GooglePlay  could be downloaded from the following address: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tr.bel.edirne.edirnebelediyesi&hl=bg and for IOS in App Store could be installed from the following address https://apps.apple.com/us/app/edirne-visit/id1455879654.

The video clip is available at the following links on the Youtube channel of the Municipality of Nessebar - BG subtitles: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lStWB6sHDXY and  TR subtitles: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8qcIq2Kcu8 and on the YouTube channel of the Programme: www.youtube.com/watch?v=L52WXtwqHVc and https://youtu.be/ORYGsn5aMFo.

Presentation from the UNESCO Conference “Interaction between Historical & Cultural Heritage and Tourism” held in Edirne on 28 November 2017, author Prof Dr Nevzat İlhan is available HERE.

Presentation from the UNESCO Conference “Interaction between Historical & Cultural Heritage and Tourism” held in Edirne on 28 November 2017, author M.Modeva is available HERE.


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Project summary:

The main objective of the project is to strengthen the cross-border cooperation capacity in the field of sustainable tourism in order to enhance the European territorial cohesion of cross-border area. The project will increase the tourist attractiveness of Harmanli and Edirne cross-border towns through better preservation, utilization and promotion of cultural heritage along the Diagonal Road.
The project envisages restoration of the most significant immovable monument of culture in Harmanli – the Arch Bridge on the Harmanliyska river (former Ulu Dere), through strengthening the preserved authentic structure, stopping the destructive processes, replacement of some of the broken stones, placing information boards, overhaul of 109 m of the pavement, cleaning the bridge from vegetation, biological patina and other dirt, reinforcement of the original stone structure with biocide treatment of stone, removal of the old restoration and reconstructions, cement whales and joints, restoration of the wall with the marble stela with inscription, etc.
The project will encourage cross-border cooperation and problem solution in the field of sustainable tourism between Edirne and Harmanli towns. 3D Projection Equipment (3DPM) will be purchased for the needs of the Association for Promoting Edirne and Tourism of Edirne (ETTDER).
As a result of the implementation of the project, one of the Ottoman heritages will be revived and preserved and a 109-foot pedestrian walkway leading to Harmanli City Park will be renovated. New ICT technologies for virtual visual reconstructions for 4 cultural and historical tourist sites in Edirne will be applied.
The project will encourage the cross-border cooperation and problem solution in the field of sustainable tourism between Edirne and Harmanli towns.

Project status: Finished

The project has ended on 12.08.2021 г.

This project ensured increasing the tourist attractiveness of the CB area, while better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure. The restoration of the Ottoman heritage Arch Bridge in Harmanli, which is an unbiased symbol of cooperation and understanding of universal human values within the scope of the project, provided the economic, social and regional development of the cross-border area. At the same time, it has contributed to employment and economic growth in the CB region by protecting and ensuring the sustainability of cultural tourism resources. It is the most significant tourist attraction from the Ottoman period in Harmanli and is an architectural masterpiece from the XVI century. PP2 ensured virtual visual reconstruction and restoration of the image of 3 (three) cultural and historical tourist sites and one building in the center of Edirne. The developed content has made the 4 sites chosen immortal through the used modern technologies and attractiveness of the used methods. The developed content for each site includes visual history related to the respective site, to the region and to the huge amount of history and heritage that these places and Edirne in general represents. Through the implementation of these activities PPs contributed to the programme output for reconstructed / restored cultural and historical touristic sites number with quantity 2. The restoration and conservation of the Arch Bridge in Harmanli ensured contribution with 0.105 km to programme output indicator for newly built, reconstructed or upgraded cycling routes / walking paths. There was an exchange of experience in studying, preservation and promotion of Ottoman period immovable cultural heritage sites 65 people were involved in an event which provided very important knowledge and practical information for the quality and quantity of heritage in the region. The implementation of Conservation and restoration of the Arch Bridge in Harmanli, executed under required supervisions, ensured direct connection between the main touristic places in Harmanli with the walking path connecting the cultural and historical buildings (museum) and natural touristic places (City Park). With this, local governments in the tourism sector, tourism-related agencies and NGOs, tour operators and SMEs have been enabled to offer higher quality tourism products. The activity for 3D Projection Mapping (3DPM) in Edirne realized through the supply of equipment for the needs of Association for Promoting and Tourism of Edirne (ETTDER) and Development of 3D projection mapping (3DPM) content for the needs of Association for Promoting and Tourism of Edirne (ETTDER), provided virtual visual reconstruction of 3 historical sites in Edirne and 1 building in its very center. Also, the used method ensured visual reconstruction and the attractiveness of these sites was increased with this implementation, which shows the diversity of cultures and traditions in the CB region. Project was implemented in full cooperation between the partners and in confirmation of their established partnership and in synchronous with their future joint plans.



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