
Walldorf Orman Alanının Yeniden İnşaası


Kırklareli Belediyesi, Kırklareli Belediyesi'ndeki "Walldorf Orman Alanının Yeniden İnşa Edilmesi" için Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaristan-Türkiye Programı 2014-2020 mali yardımları ile bir iş sözleşmesi yapmayı planlıyor.

Contract Award Notice


The Contract Award Notice prepared after signing of Supply contract under the Local Open Tender Procedure for Supply of equipment for Water Quality Monitoring in Gala Lake, Enez/Turkey under the project Measures for conservation and restoration of natural heritage in Bourgas and Enez /MoreCare/which is implementing by District Gorernership of Enez (PP2) is available HERE.

Tender procedure for Works "Construction of architectural elements for servicing recreation and tourism in properties with number 000618 the territory of Topolovgrad town"


The Municipal Historical Museum – Topolovgrad intends to award a works contract for “Construction of architectural elements for servicing recreation and tourism in properties with number 000618 the territory of Topolovgrad town” in Topolovgrad with financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014 - 2020.

Supply of Equipment for "School in Nature" & Chamlak tourist zone


İnece Municipality intends to award a supply contract for supply, delivery, installation, and maintenance, by the Contractor of equipment for the needs of School in nature & Chamlak tourist zone of İnece Municipality.

Supply Contract Prior Information Notice for supply of Aerial surveillance systems in 3 lots


Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection – Ministry of the Interior intends to announce International Open Procedure for supply of Aerial surveillance systems in 3 lots, Publication reference No DGFSCP-INTERNATIONALSUPPLY-1.

Announcement for Competative Negotiated Tender for Supply of Monitoring Vehicle


Demirkoy Forestry intends to award a supply contract for supply and delivery of monitoring vehicle under the following projects and lots as follow:

Lot 1: Supply of Monitoring Vehicle: double cap model 4x4 under FORECAST project - CB005.1.12.024

Lot 2: Supply of Monitoring Vehicle: SUV model 4x4 under ORCHIS project - CB005.1.12.025

Competitive Negotiated Procedure for Organizing of Events under Project ref. № CB005.1.11.006


Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection - Ministry of the Interior announces Competitive Negotiated Procedure for Organizing of events within the project “Intelligent strategic cross-border development for response in case of major natural and man-made hazards and disasters – IseC”, ref. No. CB005.1.11.006.

Competitive Negotiated Procedure for Organizing of Events, Project ref. № CB005.1.11.005


Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection - Ministry of the Interior announces Competitive Negotiated Procedure for Organizing of events under the project “Increasing the operational capacity for forest fires and improving prevention of disasters”, ref. No. CB005.1.11.005, with financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – Turkey Programme 2014- 2020.

Tender Procedure for Supply and instalment of book digitalisation equipment under the Project “Haskovo and Edirne – cultural and historical destinations”, project No CB005.1.23.044


Foundation of Trakya University-Edirne is launching a tender procedure for Supply and instalment of book digitalisation equipment, under the project “Haskovo and Edirne – cultural and historical destinations”, project No CB005.1.23.044.

Publication ref.: CB005.1.23.044-05(B2/PP2)

Ofis Mobilyalarının Tedarik Edilmesi


Bulgaristan Cumhuriyeti Bölgesel Kalkınma ve Bayındırlık Bakanlığı, “Bölgesel İşbirliği Yönetimi” Genel Müdürlüğü; Interreg-IPA Sınır Ötesi İşbirliği Bulgaristan-Sırbistan, Bulgaristan-Makedonya ve Bulgaristan-Türkiye Programları ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda ofis mobilyası tedarik, teslimat ve montaj hizmetlerinin sağlanması amacıyla ihaleye çıkmaktadır.

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