Public Tenders

Clarifications in frame of tender procedure “Supply of office equipment and KIOSK with software for the tourism center in Vize” within project CB005.2.21.001 “Our historical heritage”



Clarifications in frame of tender procedure “Supply of office equipment and KIOSK with software for the tourism center in Vize” within project CB005.2.21.001 “Our historical heritage”

“Union for Services to District of Vize and its Villages” publishes Clarifications in frame of the tender procedure “Supply of office equipment and KIOSK with software for the tourism center in Vize” within the project CB005.2.21.001 “Our historical heritage”

Publication reference:  BGTR-001-PP2-SUP-03

Tender procedure for “Supply of equipment” within project CB005.2.21.090 “Promotion of Cultural Tourism in Pehlivankoy and Sredets”



Tender procedure for “Supply of equipment” within project CB005.2.21.090 “Promotion of Cultural Tourism in Pehlivankoy and Sredets”

Publication reference: CB005.2.21.090–Supply–01  

Tender procedure for “Supply of Plastic Recycling Machine” within project CB005.2.12.112 “Save the Nature to Save the Future”


Tender procedure for “Supply of Plastic Recycling Machine” within project CB005.2.12.112 “Save the Nature to Save the Future”

Publication reference: 112 SUP–LP-04

Meric Chamber of Agriculture intends to award a supply contract for “Supply of Plastic Recycling Machine” within project CB005.2.12.112 “Save the Nature to Save the Future” with financial assistance from the INTERREG-IPA Cross–Border Cooperation Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014-2020.

Supplies Contract Award Notice for “Elaboration of Advertising Materials” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”


Supplies Contract Award Notice for “Elaboration of Advertising Materials” within project CB005.2.21.080 “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo”

Kırklareli Special Provincial Administration announced Supplies Contract Award Notice for “ Elaboration of Advertising Materials” within project CB005.2.21.080“ “Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo””.

Publication reference: CB005.2.21.080-LP-SUPPLY-01


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