Public Tenders

Corrigendum to the Contract Notice and Clarifications within project CB005.2.11.035 “ Suloglu and Sozopol - Informed, Trained, Equipped ”


Municipality of Sozopol publishes Corrigendum to the Contract Notice and Clarifications within project №CB005.2.11.035 “ Suloglu and Sozopol - Informed, Trained, Equipped ”.

Publication reference:  CB005.2.11.035-5

The Corrigendum and the Clarifications are attached below.

Cancellation Notice of a Simplified Tender Procedure for ”Organization of Events ” in Kırklareli, Turkey within project CB005.2.22.098 “From Past to Present The Power of The Folklore”


Kırklareli Municipality Culture, Art and Sports Club Association, Merkez/Kırklareli, Turkey announces Cancellation Notice of a Simplified Tender Procedure for “Organization of Events” in Kırklareli, Turkey within project CB005.2.22.098 “From Past to Present The Power of The Folklore”

Reason for cancellation: The tender procedure has been unsuccessful, only one tender submitted and competitive conditions couldn’t exist.

Publication reference: CB005.2.22.098-TR- SERVICE -01

The cancellation notice is attached below:

Cancellation of Supply Tender Procedure for “Supply of pickup”, within project CB005.2.12.88 “Joint cross-border initiatives for reduction of marine litter in Aegean and Black Sea (Seas without waste)”


District Government of Enez announces Cancellation of Supply Tender Procedure for “Supply of pickup”, Publication reference: 088-Supply-02, Programme title -INTERREG-IPA СВС Bulgaria -Turkey Programme 2014-2020 within project CB005.2.12.88 “Joint cross-border initiatives for reduction of marine litter in Aegean and Black Sea (Seas without waste)".

Publication reference: 088-Supply-02

Works Contract Award Notice for “Construction Works for multipurpose hall in Culture and Art Center" within project CB005.2.21.083“


Works Contract Award Notice for “Construction Works for multipurpose hall in Culture and Art Center" within project CB005.2.21.083

Municipality of Buyukkaristiran announced Works Contract Award Notice for "Construction Works for multipurpose hall in Culture and Art Center" within project CB005.2.21.083 “Increasing the tourist attractiveness of the municipalities of Topolovgrad and Buyukkaristiran through better presentation of the cultural heritage“

Supplies Contract Award Notice for “Supply of specialized equipment” within project CB005.2.12.116 “Joint nature protection”


Supplies Contract Award Notice for “Supply of specialized equipment” within project CB005.2.12.116 “Joint nature protection”

Municipality of Sungurlare announced Supplies Contract Award Notice for “Supply of specialized equipment” within project CB005.2.12.116 “Joint nature protection” under  Lot 2 “Supply of garden chipper” and  Lot 3 “Supply of tipper truck”.

Publication reference: СВ005.2.12.116-LP-SU-3 

Works tender procedure for “Improvement of the access to cultural-historical landmarks–Old Mill and Temple in Vasiliko quarter, town of Tsarevo“ within project CB005.2.21.092 "Roads to the heritage"


Works tender procedure for “Improvement of the access to cultural-historical landmarks–Old Mill and Temple in Vasiliko quarter, town of Tsarevo“ within project CB005.2.21.092 "Roads to the heritage"

Tsarevo Municipality intends to award a work contract for “Improvement of the access to cultural-historical landmarks – Old Mill and Temple in Vasiliko quarter, town of Tsarevo“ under the project CB005.2.21.092 "Roads to the heritage" with financial assistance from the INTERREG-IPA Cross – Border Cooperation Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014-2020.


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