2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations

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Project summary:

The project objective is to increase the potential of cross-border tourism through developing and implementing strategies for sustainable tourism development in Kiyikoy, Turkey and Sozopol, Bulgaria.

The project envisages the elaboration of two technical projects of significant sites of the natural and cultural heritage in the both Black Sea cities: The one will be for the preservation and restoration of 29,276 square meters of streets in the old town of Kiyikoy will be developed to provide access to major tourist attractions such as the Old Lighthouse, the Fortress Walls and the Gates built during the Justinian I and the beautiful sea coast. The Bulgarian partner will be responsible for the continuation of the street "South panoramic alley" to cape "Skamni" and from the street "North panoramic alley" to the North Tower in the town of Sozopol.

The partners have defined measures to promote the importance of the project and raise awareness among the local population and producing also advertising materials and organizing information meetings with the media and tourist organizations.

The implementation of the project will improve the positioning of Sozopol and Kiyikoy as international tourist destinations in the cross-border region. The project will contribute to the development of so-called "New tourism" - protective, inclusive and beneficial.

Project status: Finished

The project partners have implemented the activities according to the schedule.

The realization of the project proposal is of utmost importance both for the inhabitants of Sozopol and Kiyikoy Municipalities for the development of cultural tourism in the cross-border region and for all tourists and visitors. Under the project Municipality of Kiyikoy developed a technical design project for restoration of its small streets located inside of the archaeological reserve of Kiyikoy town. The activities in Bulgarian part of the project covered preparation of a project technical documentation entitled: "Development and exhibition of the Panorama Alley in Archaeological reserve "The Ancient City of Apolonia" - Sozopol ". Together project partners developed also a Joint strategy for development of sustainable tourism in Bourgas and Kirklareli Districts.

The implementation of the project "Conservation of the natural and cultural heritage - a common European objective" has very big importance for increasing promotion of the natural and cultural heritage in the cross-border region and put the basics for development of sustainable tourism in the CB region through development of restoration projects of streets of these two important historical cities.

Project materials:

The promotional materials are available HERE.

Project flyer is available HERE.

Project brochure is available HERE.

Products from the project:

Study about the cultural and historical monuments in Kiyikoy, Vize-Kirklareli Region (English version) is available HERE.

Study about the cultural and historical monuments in Kiyikoy, Vize-Kirklareli Region (Turkish version) is available HERE.

Study about the main cultural, historical and natural value of Kiyikoy and Kirklareli region (English version) is available HERE.

Strategy for Sustainable Development of Tourism in the Cross-border region of Burgas - Kirklareli is available HERE.

Technical project concerning the continuation of the street "South panoramic alley" to cape "Skamni" and from the street "North panoramic alley" to the North Tower in the town of Sozopol is avaiable HERE.

Technical architectural projects of the streets of ancient Kiyikoy Town - Architectural Reserve is available HERE.


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Project summary:

The general objective of the project is to realize the tourism potential in Haskovo, Bulgaria and Uzunkopru, Turkey by encouraging cross-border tourism and increasing international interest in the region.

The project activities iclude development of Joint Marketing Plan for the region,  trainings for Local Planners and Business, Destination marketing trainings for local business. Border tourism advertisement materials will be developed for promotion of the tourism in the region. Five short videos, web tools and mobile applications will be created, issue of catalogue and brochures is envisaged as well. Border tourism marketing campaign will also include social media marketing and International tourism fairs.

The project will contribute to the development of the tourism sector in the region by creating common destinations and a Destination marketing plan for  the cross-border tourism in Turkey and Bulgaria.

Project status: Finished

The project partners have implemented the activities according to the schedule.

The general objective of the project is to realize the tourism potential of the region. The specific objective is developing border tourism which is a rising trend for international tourists.

In previous decades, tourism concept was going famous beaches of a single country. With the changes of technology, especially in networking, the concept of the tourism has also changed. Today people want to visit more than one country, recognize those countries’ cultural, historical heritage along with foods, national events etc. People also want to take photos of the trip and share them via facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.

With that being said, Project Partners decided to promote cross-border region to stimulate people to visit Uzunkopru-Haskovo destination, raise the awareness of cultural and historical heritage, present local foods to target groups within the concept of the project “One Destination Two Countries”.

In this regard, partners decided to create new horizons for the target groups by showing the potential of the region. To do this, one must know the powerful areas, opportunities, weaknesses and threats for the region and create a plan out of it. Project partners, businessmen, local authorities, representatives of tourist centers gathered together to train themselves and promote the region with the information learned through trainings.

To reach maximum amount of people possible partners created social media account, web-site and programmed a mobile application.

 First, partners created enough promotional materials. 1000 Brochures, 1000 catalogues, 500 magnets. Following those, with the help of professionals, over 35 minutes long, documentary like videos of the region has been shot and designed which took almost 4 months.

The promotional materials alone were not sufficient. To stimulate the potential tourist, tour operators and entrepreneurs to visit, form tours or even invest in the region, those materials must have been presented via the best way possible, which is distributing them at one of the largely known international tourism fair: Berlin International Tourism Fair.

Partners rented a stand and distributed all the materials that have been prepared at that fair. According to official report of the tourism fair “10,000 companies and organisations from 186 countries exhibited their products and services to around 170,000 visitors, including 110.000 trade visitors”.

Project website:


Social Media Presence

Facebook page: www.facebook.com/OneDestinationBGTR/

Project materials:

The promotional materials (magnets and folder) are available HERE.

Products from the project:

"Catalogue of crafts in the border region Haskovo – Edirne" (in three languages - Bulgarian, Turkish and English) is available HERE.

The project brochure is available HERE.

The Мarketing plan on cross-border destination marketing, including SWOT analysis is available HERE.

The presentations from the Destination Marketing Training are available HERE.

The mobile application "Utso Mobil" can be downloaded from the following address: For Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=appbeta.utso.mobile&hl=tr and For IOS: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/utso/id1356269977?mt=8.

5 video clips are available at the YouTube channel of Uzunköprü Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnTcZyfZypRKT0CMIk_VHBQ. The video “Foods in Uzunkopru (Turkey)-Haskovo(Bulgaria) Region” is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcX9-5716Js. The video “Historical&Cultural Heritage in Uzunkopru (Turkey)-Haskovo” is available at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8Bd7wvbKI8. The video "Presentation of Uzunkopru (Turkey)-Haskovo(Bulgaria) Region" is available at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSw3zFtMHhA&t=35s. The video “Hotels in Uzunkopru (Turkey) – Haskovo (Bulgaria) Region" is available at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPDft5Hs5RQ. The video “Events in Uzunkopru (Turkey) – Haskovo (Bulgaria) Region” is available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtP1KTaetiQ.


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Project summary:

The overall goal of the project is to develop joint eco-tourist destinations by promoting, developing and improving the eco-tourist potential of the cross-border region Burgas - Kirklareli. The specific objectives are to raise the awareness of the target group and stakeholders about the opportunities and capacity for development of eco-tourism in the cross-border region, to promote the promotion and marketing of eco-tourist destinations by organizing promotional events and related public activities, to support the development of eco-destinations with significant eco-potential in the cross-border region, to promote the economic diversification of the cross-border region through the use of innovative and modern platforms, tools and techniques to reach new market segments.
Project activities include:
- conducting a Cross-Border Workshop for eco-tourism and meetings between the tourism sector in Burgas district;
- creation of an interactive eco-tourism platform for promotion of cross-border cooperation between Burgas district and Kirklareli province and a mobile application for promotion of eco-tourism in the cross-border region;
- developing a strategy for sustainable development and promoting the potential of eco-tourism in both areas;
- production of videos for popularization of the eco-tourist potential in the region. organization of youth photo competitions and photo exhibition;
- holding information days to promote the eco-tourism potential in the cross-border region and a final conference.


Status of the project: completed

The project’s main objective was to develop joint eco-tourism destinations through promotion, development and improvement of the eco-tourism potential of the cross-border region Burgas – Kırklareli. The start of the project implementation coincided with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, which have strongly influenced the tourism sector throughout the world, including Bulgaria and Turkey. Nevertheless, the project succeeded in accomplishing its objectives. Through its promotional activities, including news announcements, web site and mobile application, photo contest, information days, photo exhibitions, and a final conference, the project effectively raised information awareness among the target group and stakeholders about the opportunities and capacity to develop eco-tourism in the cross-border region. Furthermore, it promoted ten eco-tourist destinations, which were identified by the project partner and promoted through the web platform, brochures and catalogues. Through the use of innovative and advanced platforms, tools and techniques project reached new market segments, and through the development of a Strategy for sustainable development and promotion of the eco-tourism in the cross-border region, it supported the economic diversification of the cross-border region.


Hamalogika Community Centre

2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Edirne Nature Sports Club Association

1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Edirne Environmental Volunteers Association

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives


2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Ministry of tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria

2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Non-profit association “Black Sea Association for Development – Burgas”

2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives
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Project summary:

The project aims to improve the access to tourist information for the cross-border region and increase the awareness about Strandja as a festive tourism destination.  The design of a joint festival Programme will reinforce the local festivals by building a network of festivals and fairs with trainings for organizers and stakeholders.

The major activities include capacity building for development of Strandja as a festive destination based on the cultural heritage and local traditions in the cross-border region.  Organization of a pilot joint cross-border Festival "Strandja-Yildiz" and elaboration of Internet marketing tools for promotion of Strandja/Yildiz as mountain of festivals are envisaged.

As a result a new cross-border touristic product will be developed - Festival "Strandja-Yildiz" and a joint plan for promotion of Strandja as a festive destination and improved cross-border capacity and cooperation.

Project status: Finished

The project partners have implemented the activities according to the schedule.

The project Strandja fest has been implemented in partnership between National Community Centre “Prosveta – 1914” Malko Tarnovo and Kirklareli District Directorate of Culture and Tourism. The duration of the project was 15 months and it has started on 21.03.2017 and finalized on 20.06.2018. 

Local festivals and events are considered to be significant cultural 'assets' that can substantially contribute to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage of cross-border region. Consequently, they are part of the local cultural identity, an essential element of the originality and branding of cross-border areas, and may act as tourism attraction poles.The idea for development of Strandja as a festival destination brought together representatives of local and regional authorities, non-governmental organizations and community centers from Malko Tarnovo and Kirklareli, Turkey. Strandja fest project provided opportunity for local stakeholders to learn how to manage events and festivals for more benefits for community and tourism development in the region including increased visits and expenditure, reduced seasonality of sea resorts, repeated visits and increased regional awareness.

The project aims to improve the access to tourist information for the cross-border region, to increase the awareness about Strandja as a festive tourism destination and to improve the cross-border capacity and cooperation were reached.  More than 200 festivals and events on the territory of Strandja were identified. Most attractive of them were included in joint calendar and promoted according to a joint plan.

The founding of the Strandja FEST network was initiated by Community center “Prosveta 1914" - Malko Tarnovo and Directorate of Culture and Tourism in Kirklareli, Turkey, as part of the activities of the Strandja FEST project. Strandja FEST was founded as a network of organizations and individuals interested in the development of Strandja as a tourist, cultural and festival destination. Among its founders are representatives of local and regional authorities, community centers, cultural and educational organizations, NGOs, tour operators and representatives of the tourist business. More than 200 festivals and events on the territory of Strandja were identified. Most attractive of them were included in joint calendar and promoted according to a joint plan.

As result a new cross-border touristic product was developed - Festival "Strandja-Yildiz" and a common mountain Strandja/Yildiz  was actively promoted as a festival destination based on historical and cultural heritage of cbc region Bulgaria -Turkey.

Project website: http://strandja-fest.info/

Social Media Presence:

f) www.facebook.com/Strandja-the-mountain-of-festivals

Twitter) https://twitter.com/Strandja_fest

Google +: Strandja.fest@gmail.com / https://plus.google.com/communities/117114735056827831116

Materials from the project:

The promotional materials (poster, rules, agendas and invitations) are available HERE.

Project products:

The Project logo is available HERE.

The Project brochure is available HERE.

The festival book for kids is available HERE.

The Joint promotional plan for 2018 is available HERE.

The Programme for development of festivals and events in Strandja 2017 – 2020 (English version) is available HERE.

Presentations and materials from the training "Development of Strandja as a festive destination" are available HERE.

The Joint calender "Schedule of festivals, events held on the territory of Strandja" is available HERE.

The Memorandum for cooperation and development of Strandja FEST network signed is available HERE.

The E-bulletins are available on the project website: http://strandja-fest.info/buletin.php.

The Calendar of events is available at the following link: http://strandja-fest.info/calendar.php.

The promotional film is available at the YouTube channel of the Programme (short version): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WMi5I12nG4&list=PLwe1R4BMZjDsodEAMWnG6_lawYFnf4qtw&t=0s&index=103 and at the following links (long version): http://strandja-fest.info/festivals_down.php and  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YErb6hWN-oA&t=0s&index=108&list=PLwe1R4BMZjDsodEAMWnG6_lawYFnf4qtw.

The Questionnaire created is available at:





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