Information about the organisation:
This is a non-profit social association. We are in EDİRNE city center. EDİRNE YOUTH AND SUPPORTİNG DİSABLED ASSOCİATİON is an Association entirely dedicated to the development of youth. Its mission is to stimulate and sustain young people’s active, civic and responsible participation to the educational, social, cultural and economic environment of the communities they live in.
EDİRNE YOUTH AND SUPPORTİNG DİSABLED ASSOCİATİON concentrates its efforts on activities with clear objectives, such as the development, support and reinforcement of the counseling, informing and forming processes of the target generation, in a European context. These objectives will be met by means of creating the favorable environment in the communities of these young people for the enhancement of their personal and professional performance. Furthermore, their needs will constantly be identified and fulfilled through a large array of sustainable activities.
For its well-functioning, this association relies on the principles of responsible volunteering, self-motivation and self-determination, active civic participation, taking initiative, involvement and cooperation, adaptability, continuity, competence, competitiveness, friendship, mutual respect and support, democracy, transparency, equity, legality, durability, social dialogue, tolerance, versatility and non-discrimination.
The disabled and non-disabled citizens in democratic citizenship to contribute to the creation,
to provide material and moral support to the disabled, youth,To contribute to making sport of all people with disabilities and their families, Health, education, rehabilitation, Employment, vocational training, Cultural and arts, maintenance and search for remedies to fundamentally solve the life problems, rights and interests, to protect and improve, the elimination of discriminatory practices and regulations in all areas of life, special needs as individuals considered permanent provision of effective participation in public life, Combat behavior and rewards for disability abuse elimination of results for the reasons leading to the loss of their economic and social security to ensure barrier, Protect the rights of legal and professional aspects,It aims to make contribution to the development and activation of civil society activities
The organization serves the values of democracy, tolerance, equality, justice, and public education in the field of youth between the European standards.
The aims of the organization:
- To defend youth rights and freedom;
- To promote youth engagement in active social life;
- To promote volunteerism and development;
- To promote healthy lifestyle;
- To support youth integration and assistance for their active involvement in public life;
- To assist for to establish and develop democratic govern/self-govern.
The organization has been implementing activities on: Human Rights; Education; Gender Issues; Conflict Prevention; Peace-building; Active Citizenship; Youth Participation; Ecological actions; Sportive activities; Informational intellectual, Entertainment activities; Charity event.
Nowadays the organization has on-going projects:
- English Club;
- Summer and Winter Camps;
- Tours around Turkey;
- “Green” project leading by volunteers;
- Leadership academy.
Appiled erasmus+ project
*2016-1-AT02-KA105-000008, International Youth Conference on Antigypsyism, Romano Centro
We are waiting result last period this project: 2016-01-22
Form hash kodu: E36484F0B4983BFC
Contact person:
ismail vekil
Short description of the project idea:
doğal ve kültürel yapı ve engellilerle ilgili çalışmalar ve turizm