1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area

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Project summary:

The project aims at improvement and enhancement of the cross-border cooperation of the Bulgarian and Turkish authorities, responsible for risk management and immediate reaction in case of floods, as well as at reduction of floods consequences in the cross-border region of Haskovo, Bulgaria and Edirne, Turkey.

The activities planned within the project include setup of a training programme for flood risk management, preparation of Joint Operational Procedures and Common Action Plan.  Diving clothing for rescue team members such as suits, vests, and etc., will be delivered as well as specialized equipment:  lifeboat secured with a remote controlled flying system (including 2 multicopters and 1 drone) and special-purpose vehicle for transportation and installation of mobile flood barriers. The preparation of scenario is envisaged for the conduction of a field demonstration in Edirne as well as trainings for the management and the operational staff. A seminar will also be organized for local authorities on topics related to flood risk management and reaction.

The implementation of the project will improve the operational capacity for joint actions. It will enhance the cooperation between the national emergency management bodies and the local authorities in the cross-border. Another important project result will be raising the awareness of the population in the cross border region for disaster risk management.

Project status: Finished

The project partners have implemented the activities according to the schedule.

The project was implemented in partnership of two important public institutions working in the sphere of prevention, protection and minimization the risks from man-made and natural disasters in the cross border area of Bulgaria and Turkey.

In frame of the project, two professional teams of fire-fighters and flood experts responsible for risk management together increased their capacity for taking immediate joint reaction in case of flood, as well as for reduce of the consequences of the floods in the cross-border region of Haskovo – Edirne.

By the project were purchased specialized equipment for improving the capacity of institutions, responsible for the actions in case of floods, risk management, as well as for reduce of the consequences of the floods in the cross-border region of Haskovo – Edirne.

Also, joint training program and joint intervention procedures were elaborated. On the base of these program and procedures the expert teams from Bulgaria and Turkey realized together field demonstrations for emergency response in the Cross border area.

Project materials:

Project promotional materials are available HERE.

Project Flyer (Bulgarian version) is available HERE.

Project Flyer (Turkish version) is available HERE.

Project Leaflet (Bulgarian version) is available HERE.

Project Leaflet (Turkish version) is available HERE.

Project products:

Brochure (Bulgarian version) is available HERE.

Brochure (Turkish version) is available HERE.



1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Municipality of Haskovo

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
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Project summary:

Project "The European approach to Preventing Fires in the Cross-Border Region - Prevent Fires" enhances the cooperation and exchange of experience and good practices between Communication and Information Systems Directorate (CISD) - Ministry of Interior, Republic of Bulgaria and Vize Forest Management Directorate, Republic of Turkey. Both organizations will jointly increase the interventions in the field of prevention and risk management and strengthening of the capacity for cross-border cooperation between Bulgaria and Turkey.
The project focuses on surveys on European approaches and existing European Union policies related to prevention and preparedness to protect against forest fires and disasters. А forest fire monitoring system in the Turkish part of Strandja - municipalities Vise, Kirklareli and Demirkoy will be build, and a system for early warning and disaster reporting in the Bulgarian part of Strandzha - on the territory of the towns of Tsarevo, Ahtopol and Lozenets will be established.
As a result, the level of coordination between competent institutions, structures and teams in the field of forest fire and disaster prevention and protection on both sides of the border will be increased.

Project status: Finished

In order to increase the level of coordination and interaction in the border region the project partners organized many joint public events to increase the awareness level of the target groups and the local population in the field of forest fire preventions, researches and developments, in the field of forest fire prevention and protection.  Special technical equipment has been delivered.

The developed "Model for the exchange of information in case of forest fires and other disasters between the competent structures in the border region", web platform and coordination guide will increase the efficiency of information sharing and joint operational actions in case of a forest fire in the border region in the future.

The results of the project are the basis for sustainable cooperation even after the completion of the project activities.

Project website:


-              Guide for cross-border coordination with information about the institutions in the target area (Kirklareli and Burgas region) can be found HERE

-              “European approaches and policies for the prevention and protection of forest fires and disasters” – joint report can be found HERE.


Kirklareli Department Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI)

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure

Black Sea Institute Association

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
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Project summary:

The project is focused on tackling the basic and global problems which are closely linked with  forest fires, floods, atmosphere pollution, biotic agents and climate changes’ influence.

Creation of a formal cooperation network working on prevention and mitigation of the consequences from natural and man-made disasters between Dimitrovgrad and Uzunkopru municipalities is envisaged. Within the project there will be constructed a tower and  automatic technical equipment for observation and prevention of forest fires on the territory of Dimitrovgrad municipality that will cover a perimeter of about 26 km. The automatic observatory is designed for monitoring, safeguarding, analyses, communication and early prevention in cases of fire and other unfavourable events in the covered perimeter. a Flood Prevention Information System will be installed in Uzunköprü municipality that will work with a specialized software and will deliver data in real time. A Common Strategy for Prevention from Natural and Man-made Disasters and mitigating the consequences from them across the Cross border region will be elaborated for ensuring sustainability of the project.

Project implementation will contribute to better protection of the population and conservation of biological and landscape diversity in the border region. The installation of a system for early warning of natural disasters in Uzunkupru and construction of a watchtower in the municipality of Dimitrovgrad will reduce the negative impacts of forest fires, floods, natural and other man-made disasters.

Project status: Finished

The idea of project “Prevention and minimization of the Risks for the Environment and Vision for Innovative Tools /PREVENT/” started lots of years ago. Fighting against natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area can be a challenge for both of the project partners – Dimitrovgrad Municipality and Uzunkopru Municipality. That is how they come with the idea of realizing a project which aims at preventing disasters and mitigating the consequences from them. One of the main activities for Dimitrovgrad Municipality is the construction of an Automatic Observatory Tower, which monitors and prevents forest fires. There is an equipped Control Centre in the building of the municipality, where the alarm for potential fire is going after its been detected from the Observatory Tower on site. After receiving that signal, the Control Centre is sending it to the relevant institutions and entities responsible for disaster management. In Uzunkopru Municipality is installed an early detection system for preventing floods on the rivers Ergene and Kirkavak. A special operational flood forecasting system software system has been developed that collects data and transmits in real time the accumulated information from the installed systems. Both partners put a lot of effort and worked hard for the smooth and successful implementation of the project. They have had difficulties through the stages of implementation but combining their knowledge, experience and common goals, managed to get through every situation.

The construction, installation and operation of the prevention systems contribute in regard of the population of the region, the ecosystems, habitats, economic entities and for all of the institutions involved in risk prevention. The established relationships between the partners and institutions that are involved in hazards management within the project are fundamental for future cooperation and join initiatives.

Project website:


Project materials:

Project materials (folder and information board) are available HERE.

Project products:

The Project logo is available HERE.

The Project brochure (in Bulgarian and English) is available HERE.

The Project brochure (in Turkish and English) is available HERE.

The Common Strategy for Prevention from Natural and Man-made Disasters and Mitigating the consequences from them (English version) is available HERE.

The Common Strategy for Prevention from Natural and Man-made Disasters and Mitigating the consequences from them (Bulgarian version) is available HERE.

The Common Strategy for Prevention from Natural and Man-made Disasters and Mitigating the consequences from them (Turkish version) is available HERE.

The Flood Early Warning System is available on the web site: www.preventdisaster.org at the following link: http://taskin.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com/web/.

The UFIS USER GUIDE is available HERE and on the web site: www.preventdisaster.org at the following link: http://preventdisaster.org/docs/UFIS_guide_in_ENG.pdf.

The presentation from the First aid and rescue training held in Uzunkopru on 13-14 March 2018 is available HERE


Edirne Environmental Volunteers Association

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives
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Project summary:

The project aims at improvement the firefighting capabilities of municipalities Uzkup (Turkey) and Sungurlare (Bulgaria) and prevention and mitigation of the consequences of fires on their territory  through supplying new equipment in both municipalities and improving the capacity of the staff from both sides, responsible for firefighting.

Within the project it will be analyzed the risk of fires in the municipalities Sungurlare and Uzkup and it will be elaborated a guide on best practices for firefighting. The project envisages supply of firefighting equipment in both municipalities including highpowered trucks with mobile fireplatforms for fighting forest fires and elaboration of works design of firetowers for the municipality of Sungurlare.

The implementation of the project will contribute to improvement the reaction of the staff from both sides of the border in cases of fires through the skilles and knowledge acquired during the trainings and exchanging best practices.

Project status: Finished

The project partners have implemented the activities according to the schedule.

The main objective of the project is to improve the firefighting capacity of the partnering municipalities and to prevent and mitigate the consequences of fires that can affect their territory through supplying new equipment for the municipal administrations and improving the training of their staff responsible for firefighting.

For both municipalities which are located predominantly in forest areas, dealing with spontaneous fires is a serious problem. It endangers he life and health of citizens, as well as the economic activities and economic life of municipalities. Over half of the territory of the Municipality of Sungurlare is forests (over 393 000 ha from a total area of 790 000 ha). The Municipality of Üsküp although with smaller territory is also situated in a forest area but it also has a large industry zone that houses most of the factories in the district that can be severely affected by forest fires and can be the starting point of a fire spreading to the forest zones of the municipality.

Implemented investment activities aimed prevention and management of risks of fires, including awareness raising, civil protection and disaster management systems and infrastructures.

Specialized vehicles and the necessary equipment for firefighting activities are supplied under the as the most effective in the efforts of the institutions for disaster resilience. Project partners developed “Risk analysis of fire hazards in the municipalities of Üsküp and Sungurlare” and “Guide on best practices for firefighting”. Works design of fire towers for the municipality of Sungurlare was elaborated. Project activities improved capacity of 26 Turkish and Bulgarian municipal officials and volunteers in the field through 2 trainings and exchange visit of the citizens and local authorities of both municipalities.

The project implementation contributes to the sustainable development, prevention and management of climate related risks and especially of the fires, including awareness rising, civil protection and disaster management systems and firefighting infrastructures in the cross-border region.

Project materials:

Project materials are available HERE.

Project products:

Brochures with project results (English, Bulgarian and Turkish versions) are available HERE.

"Risk analysis of fire hazards in the municipalities of Üsküp and Sungurlare and guide on best practices for firefighting" (Bulgarian version) is available HERE.

Summary of the "Risk analysis of fire hazards in the municipalities of Üsküp and Sungurlare and guide on best practices for firefighting" (Turkish version) is available HERE.

Handbook elaborated for the Exchange visit held in Üsküp on 18-19 December 2018 is availabale HERE.

Presentations from the Exchange visit held in Üsküp on 18-19 December 2018 (Bulgarian and Turkish versions) are available HERE.

Presentation with project results from the Closing Press-conference held in Sungurlare on 12 March 2019 (Bulgarian version) is available HERE.


Dr.Sadık Ahmet Vocational and Techinacal Anatolian High Scholl (Edirne Tourism High Schooll)

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives


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