Cycling routes in Kirklareli and Tsarevo

Project code:CB005.2.21.080
Project call:CB005.2
Priority axis / Specific objective:2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
Type of project:Investment
Project duration in months:24
Project final contract amount:396463.71 €
Project EU co-financing rate:85.00 %
Project start date:03.12.2020
Project end date:03.12.2022
Project intervention field:094 Protection, development and promotion of public cultural and heritage assets
Project summary:

The overall goal of the project is to strengthen cross-border cooperation between Tsarevo Municipality and Kirklareli Special Administration in the field of sustainable tourism development in Tsarevo and Kirklareli from the point of view of cultural and natural tourism through sports and diversification of tourist activities. new surviving park with bicycle lanes in Muselim (Kirklareli) and construction of a new bicycle lane between Tsarevo and Arapya.
The project activities include construction works in Kirklareli and Tsarevo - for the construction of a new surviving park and two bicycle lanes. The project will organize an open-air event in Kirklareli and a final meeting in Tsarevo.
As a result of the project implementation, it is expected to improve the socio-economic situation of the two municipalities - increase revenues from tourism and investment and create employment opportunities - by extending the tourist season, increasing the number of tourists visiting the region and increasing the time of their stay.


Leading partner
Kırklareli Special Provincial Administration