2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Ministry of tourism of the Republic of Bulgaria

2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives

Luleburgaz District National Education

1.1. Preventing and mitigating the consequences of natural and man-made disasters in the cross-border area
1.2. Improving the capacity for nature protection, sustainable use and management of common natural resources through cooperation initiatives in the cross-border area
2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives


2.1. Increasing the touristic attractiveness of the cross-border area through better utilisation of natural, cultural and historical heritage and related infrastructure
2.2. Increasing the cross-border tourism potential by developing common destinations
2.3. Increasing networking for development of sustainable tourism through cross-border cooperation initiatives
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Project summary:

The main goal of the project is to create a common sustainable environment in the cross-border region Edirne-Burgas for permanent inclusion of young people in the development of tourism. The specific objectives are to encourage students and young people to participate in joint tourism activities, to create an informed environment for the cultural, historical and natural wealth of the region and to use them as tourism resources, to cooperate with local resources by creating a youth network for sustainable tourism.
The project activities include: holding a Cross-Border Forum in Edirne; training in Burgas; two motivational campaigns "Tourism and Friends" in Edirne and in Burgas; establishment of a Youth Cross-Border Virtual Tourist Club; conducting a traveling photo exhibition "Unique tourist resources of the cross-border region Edirne - Burgas" in Edirne and in Burgas; holding a Youth Forum in Burgas and a Youth Tourism Festival in Edirne.
As a result of the project implementation, a common environment will be created and young people will be involved in joint activities for the development of sustainable tourism in the cross-border region Edirne-Burgas. An innovative model of advertising the cultural-historical and natural resources and their transformation into resources for sustainable tourism development will be introduced. An informed environment will be created among the locals of Edirne and Burgas and potential tourists for the common tourist resources of the cross-border region. The capacity of representatives of the target groups for the development of sustainable tourism in the cross-border region will be increased. An active Youth Network for Open Tourism Development will be established.



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