CANCELLATION of Supply tender procedure for “Delivery of specialized vehicles”, LOT 1: “Supply of excavator” and LOT 2: “Supply of light dumper truck” within project CB005.2.12.116 “Joint nature protection”


Cancellation of Supply tender procedure for “Delivery of specialized vehicles”,  LOT 1: “Supply of excavator” and LOT 2: “Supply of light dumper truck” within project CB005.2.12.116 “Joint nature protection”

Municipality of Suloglu announces CANCELLATION of Supply tender procedure for “Delivery of specialized vehicles”, LOT 1: “Supply of excavator” and LOT 2: “Supply of light dumper truck”.

Publication reference: 116-SUPPLY-Suloglu-08, date of publication 23.09.2020, Programme title - INTERREG - IPA СВС Bulgaria -Turkey Programme 2014-2020 within project CB005.2.12.116 “Joint nature protection”.

The Cancellation of the Supply tender procedure is available HERE. 

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