Corrected APPLICATION FORM for the 2nd Call for proposals has been published
Corrected application form for the 2nd Call for proposals with fixed minor technical errors (no change in the content of the form) has been published. The corrections are as follows:
Part II Project Identity, p. 2.6. Duration and action plan – unhide of line 290 (concerning activity 6);
Table 3 – Summary breakdown of budget lines – correction of formulas concerning check for maximum rate for budget sub-line 6.1. “Preparation of Application package” so that the applicants to be correctly warned in case the maximum rate is exceeded (line 18 in table 3 - summary);
Project Summary – increasing the size of cells concerning project objectives, project activities and project results in English, Bulgarian and Turkish (lines 10, 12, 14, 30, 31, 33, 49, 51 and 53). Thus will allow more text to be visible when printing the sheet Project Summary of the Application Form.
Since the corrections are minor, the potential applicants who already filled out the previous version of the Application form (published on 16.02.2018), are advised, but not obliged to use the newly published version of the Application form. In case the potential applicants used the previous version of the Application form, there will be no negative impact on the submission and assessment of their project proposal.
The Managing Authority would like to draw attention of all potential applicants that they should avoid copying information from the Application form to the Annex 1 – Logical Framework. Since the Application Form includes active macros, direct copying of the information may cause problems with the file of the Logical Framework.
The modified Application Form is attached HERE: Application form – revised, 16.03.2018