Public Tenders

Competitive Negotiated Procedure for Purchase, Elaboration and Design of Advertising Materials for Project CB005.1.11.005


Competitive Negotiated Procedure for Purchase, elaboration and design of advertising material under the project “Increasing the operational capacity for forest fires and improving prevention of disasters”, ref. No. CB005.1.11.005, with financial assistance from the Interreg - IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – Turkey Programme 2014- 2020.

Publication reference number: CB005.1.11.005 - SER3 - REV1.

Elaboration of promotional materials and publications in media for the needs of Municipal Historical Museum – Topolovgrad, Municipality of Topolovgrad


Municipal Historical Museum - Topolovgrad intends to award a service contract for Elaboration of promotional materials and publications in media for the needs of Municipal Historical Museum – Topolovgrad, Municipality of Topolovgrad in Topolovgrad with financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria–Turkey Programme 2014 -2020.

Contract Award Notice - Construction of architectural elements for servicing recreation and tourism in properties with number 000618 the territory of Topolovgrad town


Municipal Historical Museum – Topolovgrad announced Contract Award Notice after realized Competitive negotiated procedure "Construction of architectural elements for servicing recreation and tourism in properties with number 000618 the territory of Topolovgrad town" under project - CB005.1.21.167 with financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA Bulgaria – Turkey CBC Programme.

Publication Ref. CB005.1.21.167 - LP-Works 1

Announcement for Competitive Negotiated Procedure for Works “Construction of an Ecological Center in Pınarhisar”


Municipality of Pınarhisar intends to award a work contract for Construction of an Ecological Center in Pinarhisar - Kırklareli with financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014 - 2020.

Corrigendum No. 1 for Supply of equipment and Construction works at Automatic Observatory Tower \AOT\ for detection of forest fires


Corrigendum No. 1 for local open procedure for “Supply of equipment and Construction works at Automatic Observatory Tower \AOT\ for detection of forest fires” within Project No CB005.1.165 is available HERE.

Publication reference: BG-TR/165-SUPPLY-01 from 19 September 2017

The deadline for submission of tender is 19.10.2017, 12.00 h local time.

Additional information for International Open Procedure for Supply of Aerial surveillance systems in 3 lots


Questions and Answers for International Open Procedure for supply of Aerial surveillance systems in 3 lots, Publication reference No DGFSCP-INTERNATIONALSUPPLY-1 are available HERE.

Announcement for Competative Negotiated Tender for Services


Kiyikoy Municipality intends to award a service contract for preparation of reconstruction design projects (survey, restitution and restoration projects) of the streets located at South and North part of Cumhurriyet Boulevard in Cumhurriyet and Kale Quarters, based in the archaeological reserve, inside of Kiyikoy fortress walls, located in Kıyıköy/ Vize District/ Kirklareli Province/Turkey. Total target area size is 29.276 m2.

Contract Award Notice - Publication Ref. CB005.1.21.167 /1


Municipality of İnece /Kirklareli/TURKEY announced Contract Award Notice after realized local open tender procedure supply and delivery of Equipment for "School in Nature" & Chamlak Tourist Zone under the following projects and lots as follow: “Increasing attractiveness of municipalities Topolovgrad and Inece as ecotourism destinations “- Lot 01 – “Supply of Equıpments For School in Nature& Chamlak Tourıst Zone” “ under project - CB005.1.21.167 with financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA Bulgaria – Turkey CBC Programme.

Announcement of Work Contract for Cleaning the channel “Vaya lake – Black Sea”, Burgas


District Governorship Burgas intends to award a work contract for Cleaning the channel Vaya lake – Black Sea  in city of Burgas within the project  CB005.1.12.115 “Measures for conservation and restoration of natural heritage in Burgas and Enez /MoreCare/”, Contract No: RD-02-29-71/20.03.2017 with financial assistance from the Interreg - IPA CBC Bulgaria – Turkey 2014-2020 Programme.

Publication reference: CB005.1.115-PP1-W-03

Cancellation of Competitive negotiated procedure for Purchase, Elaboration and Design of Advertising Materials with reference number CB005.1.11.005 - SER3


Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection - MoI, Bulgaria announces the cancellation of tender procedure ref. No CB005.1.11.005-SER3 for purchase, elaboration and design of advertising materials.

Ref. No CB005.1.11.005-SER3

The Cancellation notice is available HERE.


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