Public Tenders

Providing service for “Organization of events under Interreg - IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria - Turkey”


Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works of the Republic of Bulgaria, Directorate “Territorial Cooperation Management” intends to award a service contract for organization of events under Interreg - IPA CBC Programmes Bulgaria - Serbia, Bulgaria - the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria – Turkey.

The tender dossier is available HERE.

CLARIFICATIONS NO:2 to Tender Dossier regarding the Local Open Tender “Supply of Special Vehicles for Waste Management” Ref No: CB005.1.12.008-PP2/Sup-2 under the project “Developing the waste management capacity for saving the nature”


Edirne Solid Waste Management Union- EDİKAB intents to announce a clarification to the received requests for the Local Open Tender  “Supply of Special Vehicles for Waste Management” Ref No: CB005.1.12.008-PP2/Sup-2 which was announced on 31.05.2018,  with the deadline 03.07.2018, 12.30h Local Time.

Publication Reference : CB005.1.12.008-PP2/Sup-2

Announcement of Competitive Negotiated Tender Procedure for works Reference No. CB005.1.21.072 – Wrk-05 “Provider of small-scale construction for the construction of Green area in Kirklareli, TURKEY”


Kirklareli 112. Department Directorate of State Hydraulic Works (DSI) intends to award a works contract for “Provider of small-scale construction for the construction of Green area in Kirklareli, Turkey” with the financial assistance of the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey Programme 2014 – 2020 within the scope of Project CB005.1.21.072 “Green park – Nature, Relaxation and Tourism in Tsarevo and Kirklareli”.

Publication reference: CB005.1.21.072-Wrk-05

Publication of CORRIGENDUM No: 1 to the tender procedure for “Supply of Special Vehicles for Waste Management”, Ref No: CB005.1.12.008-PP2/Sup-2


Edirne Solid Waste Management Union - EDİKAB announces CORRIGENDUM No: 1 for extension of the deadline for receipt of tenders to the Local Open Tender procedure for “Supply of Special Vehicles for Waste Management” with Ref. No: CB005.1.12.008-PP2/Sup-2 under Project CB005.1.12.008 “Developing the Waste Management Capacity for Saving the Nature” implemented with the financial assistance of the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria Turkey Programme.

CLARIFICATIONS NO:1 To Tender Dossier regarding the Local Open Tender “Supply of Special Vehicles for Waste Management” Ref No: CB005.1.12.008-PP2/Sup-2


Edirne Solid Waste Management Union- EDİKAB intents to announce a clarification to the received requests for the Local Open Tender  “Supply of Special Vehicles for Waste Management”, Ref No: CB005.1.12.008-PP2/Sup-2 which was announced on 31.05.2018,  with the deadline 03.07.2018, 12.30h Local Time.


Questions and Answers regarding the tender procedure for Supply of Fire Engines - under the project “Joint Actions for Firefighting”


Questions and Answers regarding the tender procedure for Supply of Fire Engines - under the project “Joint Actions for Firefighting”, Publication reference: CB005.1.11.162.LP.B3, are available HERE.

Supply contract award notice for “Supply of Equipment for “School in Nature” and Chamlak tourist zone”, Lot 1: “Supply of Equipment for “School in Nature”, ref. No CB005.1.21.167 – PP2 – Supply 1 - Lot 1


Municipality of Inece, Republic of Turkey announces a contract award notice for “Supply of Equipment for “School in Nature” and Chamlak tourist zone”, Lot 1: “Supply of Equipment for “School in Nature”, ref. No CB005.1.21.167 – PP2 – Supply 1 - Lot 1 under project CB005.1.21.167 “Increasing attractiveness of municipalities Topolovgrad and Inece as ecotourism destinations” implemented with the financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA Bulgaria – Turkey CBC Programme.


Contract Award Notice for “Supply of Specialized system for aerial reconnaissance: 1 microbus, 2 multicopters, 1 aircraft system”, Ref. Nr DGFSCP-SUSURVINTL-1


Directorate General Fire Safety and Civil Protection - Ministry of the Interior, Bulgaria announces a contract award notice for “Supply of Specialized system for aerial reconnaissance: 1 microbus, 2 multicopters, 1 aircraft system ”, Ref. Nr DGFSCP-SUSURVINTL-1, under project CB005.1.11.007 “Cross-border cooperation for preparedness and reaction in case of floods” implemented with the financial assistance from the Interreg-IPA Bulgaria – Turkey CBC Programme.


Supply of Rescue Equipment


Edirne Provincial Disaster and Emergency Management Directorate/TURKEY intends to award a supply contract for supply of Rescue Equipment in Edirne/Turkey with financial assistance from the INTERREG IPA CBC Bulgaria-Turkey Programme.  


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